Cruising past Alaska

Cruising past Alaska

Spend Your Days

Day #9,191 started and ended at sea.  Cruising along the Gulf of Alaska, to be exact.

Not generally being Cruise Ship Folk (chillaxing for too long gives me the willies), Mr. M & I were not entirely sure what to do with our “Day at Sea,” as it were.  We soon learned that Days at Sea consist primarily of eating.  Lots of eating.  Like, Olympic-level eating.  With a light dusting of Broadway Spectacular in the evenings.

Luckily for my fast-expanding waistline, there was an activity planned for the afternoon that did not involve stuffing food down my gullet: viewing the Hubbard Glacier along the eastern coast of Alaska.

We’d received notice that the Glacier would be sliding past our ship windows somewhere around 2pm.  [That’s another thing about cruise travel… it’s eerily easy.  It weirds me out in much the same way the Manhattanite idea of having one’s groceries delivered…

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