Featured Town on The Kenai, Alaska’s Playground

Anchor Point, Alaska – North America’s Most Westerly Highway Point

“North America’s Most Westerly Highway Point” stretches along the Sterling Highway, atop the bluffs overlooking Cook Inlet, and winds down through the pristine Anchor River Valley. Anchor River offers a wide variety of fishing opportunities beginning with King Salmon in the spring, continuing with Dolly Varden and Silver Salmon in the summer and cumulating with Steelhead in the fall until freeze up.

Not interested in fishing? May we suggest beachcombing, a favorite activity of residents and visitors alike. Visit our neighboring community of Nikolaevsk, a Russian village inland a few miles; enjoy our art studio and gift shops, or take in a motor cross race. Be sure to come by our Visitor Information Center and mini-museum.

Adventures & Activities Dining & Shopping Fishing
Area Services Transportation Service & Rentals Planning & Booking Agents
Bed & Breakfast Bear Viewing RV Parks & Campgrounds
Resorts Lodges & Cabins Hotels & Motels Shopping & Gift Shops
Attractions & Sightseeing Visitor Services

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